Sonlos Consulting

Communications & Change Management


A guy writing a business plan

From strategic communications plans to processes, channels, tactics and messaging, we partner with you to keep your employees well informed.

Our experienced coaches help you connect with your teams and truly understand where they are, so you can anticipate their questions, guide them to understand your vision and motivate them to grow with the company.

We design communication strategies rooted in your company culture and help you create a clear and compelling narrative that is attuned to your people.

Change Management

We understand that change is complex and every company is unique. We work with you to develop a clear change vision and roadmap to maximize results and minimize disruption. By addressing potential challenges proactively, we increase the likelihood of your change process succeeding.

Our job is to help you reduce resistance to change, enable your teams and improve performance. Our approach is based on strategic consultancy and powered by proven coaching tools that keep people at the center of change.